Welcome to North Shore Nordic Club
North Shore Nordic Club News
Kick & Glide Party!
North Shore Nordic’s annual Kick n Glide Fundraiser will be held Friday, February 28th from 5:00-8:00 pm at the Buffalo Saloon in Bigfork! This party supports NSNC’s beautiful trails in the North Valley. We’ll have music, raffle prizes and massages! A chili dinner...
Wax Clinic!
Greetings NSNC Supporters, A few of you have inquired about ski waxing and North Shore Nordic Club has decided to hold a basic, ski wax clinic at Andy’s Crafthouse, February 4th, 6:00PM. We will cover glide wax application, scrapping, brushing and applying kick wax....
Since December 30th, BMNT and BCNC have received 18" and 16" of snow, respectively! We are busy packing all of this snow into a useable base and we will set classic track in the next day or two. Thank you for your patience.
Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trail Updates
12 February, 2025 06:04
We won't be grooming this morning due to another day of dangerously cold temperatures.
Bigfork Community Nordic Center Updates
12 February, 2025 07:22
-11 degrees, no grooming today. Trail is pretty packed down, skating won’t be great until we groom again. Track is in decent shape still…