Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

Season’s Greetings North Shore Nordic Supporters! What a ski season we’ve had so far, and we’re still a couple of days shy of Christmas! The Nordic God’s have certainly blessed us with abundant cold and snow since mid-November, which has provided us the best early,...

23 December, 2022 06:43

We’re having a warming trend! It looks like we might reach temperatures above zero F today. Unfortunately we are also having staffing issues. We have 5 trained groomers, some are out of town and some are sick. We’ll try to get some grooming done today and...

22 December, 2022 10:00

-22 degrees and a beautiful sunny blue bird sky!! There will be no grooming today, but for those of you who want to tap into your Nordic ancestral roots and go for a ski and freeze your nostril hairs we rolled the lower loop yesterday late afternoon. Conditions will...