A hearty hello to you all this fine morning! Currently we have a temperature reading of 18 degrees Fahrenheit with no wind and no new fresh snow. Today will find me massaging the skate lane into shape. I set all the classic track yesterday. We seem to be entering the spring ski cycle of freeze thaw. This presents a unique set of challenges for grooming due to the ice. The equipment we have uses a passive system to agitate then smooth out the snow. There are a set of โ€œknivesโ€ basically little metal teeth which I set at the appropriate depth to cut up the snow. Directly behind this is the comb. This is a heavy material with grooves set parallel to each other. This is what creates the corduroy so prized by skate skiers. Fresh snow generally combs out really nice with our humble equipment. However with the addition of ice this becomes increasingly difficult. It also makes it tough to set a classic track. Many of the big Nordic ski areas use the same type of equipment for grooming that you find at alpine ski areas. The general term Snow Cat, has a mechanical agitator which is a long cylinder with little teeth that cut up the snow. Then behind that lies the comb. The beauty of this is that even in spring conditions you can sett some amazing corduroy and classic track. This mechanical mixing process heats up the snow, smooths it out and then it hardened up to PERFECTION. So there you have a little explanation of basic grooming. Now, does anyone out there happen to have a Pisten Bully Snow Cat sitting in their back yard I can borrow? Hey it never hurts to ask right? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ See you all on the trails today! Sunshine, snow, and skiing! Vin