Mar 28, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
27F Good morning skiers! The stars are out and we had a decent freeze last night. We will start on Alpine and update later.
Mar 27, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
32° and half inch of actual snow last night but it’s real wet and soft, sprinkling a little mist now. I don’t think things froze last night. It doesn’t appear there were many skiers yesterday, so I’m not going to try to improve on Alpine Loop...
Mar 26, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
24° and clear, with a dusting of snow here. Alpine Loop is groomed for classic and skate skiing out to the Spur and up to the high gate. Powerline Loop hasn’t been groomed due to snow washout around K5. Looks like a great day for some spring skiing with...
Mar 26, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
25° and no new snow. Will try and smooth out the skate lane on Alpine Loop as the classic track was set yesterday.
Mar 25, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
34°F. Groomed Power Line probably for the last time. Groomed Alpine and the Spur. No classic track but might try to set some when it softens. Spring conditions. The snow is melting from under and caving. The trail is narrow in spots. Come on up for what might be the...