Mar 25, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
28°F no accumulating new snow, snowing lightly. We’ll start grooming Power Line. Stay tuned.
Mar 24, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
27F still! Groomed Alpine and Spur. Hard,fast, and great skating conditions. There is a big sinkhole at km5 on Powerline. It is marked with branches. Probably smart to not ski into it. Thanks for your generous donations this season.
Mar 24, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
27F The stars are out in force and we had a nice hard freeze. We will be grooming Alpine and the Spur this fine morning. Get up and enjoy the ripping fast conditions!
Mar 23, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
37F Groomed Powerline loop. There is a Big sinkhole at km5 on Powerline. It is marked with branches. Do not ski into the hole.
Mar 23, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
31F Groomed Alpine and Spur for skating. Spring. conditions. 1/2 in of snow. Heading to Powerline. Will update again.