Mar 10, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
35° and raining up here. We got 4" of mashed potatoes last night making for very difficult grooming. I made it around Alpine Loop but got stuck a few times, so there’s some humps and bumps. No classic track set. Powerline Loop hasn’t been groomed for...
Mar 10, 2017 | Bigfork Community Nordic Center
Grooming is a no go today folks. 3” of new snow, very wet & sticky. Forecast temps in the low 40’s.
Mar 10, 2017 | Bigfork Community Nordic Center
30F. 2” new snow overnight. Heading out to groom trails.
Mar 10, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
26° and 4" new snow. I will roll out Alpine Loop first and then tackle Powerline.
Mar 9, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
Good morning! 25° up here with one inch of fresh stuff and a light snow falling now. Calm. I was not able to groom Powerline Loop, so it is rough. I went over Alpine Loop and put down a fresh skate lane, and yesterday’s classic track still looks good. I also...