Mar 7, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
Packed and combed Powerline Trail this morning. There is heavy drifting in some areas on both upper and lower trails. Gusty winds and blowing snow are present. The temp is 18° with 3″ of new snow overnight.
Mar 6, 2017 | Bigfork Community Nordic Center
28F. About 3” new snow yesterday. Groomed all trails for skating this morning. Set classic track on all trails west of, and including, Peter’s Ridge Run. Trails are in decent shape and should ski nicely. There may not be many more days like this so get out there and...
Mar 6, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
Classic track and a skate lane has been laid down on Alpine Loop. The track put down is of pretty good condition. There was less than one inch of snow overnight and the current temp is 21°. It’s beautiful up here today! Come up and enjoy some of this fresh...
Mar 6, 2017 | Bigfork Community Nordic Center
25F. About 3” new snow yesterday. No new overnight. Finally cold enough to do some grooming. Heading out to renovate trails. Stay tuned for post grooming report.
Mar 6, 2017 | Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails
Ready to groom Alpine Loop this morning. The temp is 19° with <1″ of snow overnight. Stay tuned for the post grooming report.