Mid December Marvelousness!

Mid December Marvelousness!

Skied the Alpine loop today and it was AWESOME! Don’t recall any better conditions before Christmas! Thank you Chris, Steve & Chris!
Blacktail Now Open!

Blacktail Now Open!

Greetings Nordic Skiers, Finally, after a short delay, winter has arrived! Bigfork Community Nordic Center has been mowed, the equipment’s in place and we’re awaiting adequate snow to begin work. Blacktail Mountain Nordic Center has been rolled thrice this week and...
Glacier Perks Fundraiser!

Glacier Perks Fundraiser!

Thank you Glacier Perks, REI, Sportsman & Ski Haus, Happy Hounds Pet Supply, Basecamp Bigfork, North Shore Nordic Supporters and our volunteers for a successful Fall fundraiser! Through all of your efforts NSNC raised $1115.00!
Glacier Perks Fundraiser

Glacier Perks Fundraiser

Greetings NSNC supporters! It’s fundraising season and Glacier Perks of Lakeside is kicking it off! It started Saturday and runs through November 20th. We received an REI, $200 gift cert. for women’s outdoor items, a $175 gift card from Sportsman & Ski...
Trail Clearing Party!

Trail Clearing Party!

Greetings North Shore Nordic Supporters! The leaves have started to drop, the nights are getting cold and we’re preparing for the upcoming ski season! And as part of that preparation, we’re hosting a trail clearing “party” up at Blacktail Mountain Nordic Trails this...