28 February, 2024 07:39

27 degrees, snowing lightly and all trails are groomed (no track set) skiing is going to be great today! Come and get it before it rains again….heads up there has been a big ‘ol cat roaming the trails the last few days…

27 February, 2024 09:16

20 degrees and all trails have been groomed. No track set as our track setter is not working, there wouldn’t have been enough new snow to set a decent track anyways. Skiing will be nice today! Come and get it before the rain rolls back in!

25 February, 2024 07:58

What is the deal with the weather? Is it February or April?? 40 degrees and no grooming again…hopefully there’s snow left if it ever cools down again! Looks like Monday night will cool off, if it does we will groom Tuesday morning…