1 March, 2025 08:21

25 degrees…trails are getting groomed. Should be decent skiing in the morning and getting soft and slow as it warms. Lots and lots of holes in snow from all the animals cruising on the trails. Enjoy!

27 February, 2025 08:40

Lower loop trails are groomed. Snow is too hard/frozen to put in any new track…skate lane groomed out relatively well and should ski decently before it gets too warm. Upper loops are not groomed, the sled broke down and didn’t have time to get up...

27 February, 2025 07:31

After many days of tropical temps we got a hard freeze last night. Snow is like a frozen boiler plate! We are out right now seeing if our equipment can groom anything up and make it somewhat skiable…will update when complete….

24 February, 2025 07:15

after an evening of April like rain showers there will be no grooming today. Temp has dipped below freezing for a short while, not enough to firm things up to take the groomer out, but long enough to turn the top snow layer to crust. Skiing will be bad this morning...