Oct 14, 2017 | News
Greetings Skiers! Our 8th annual “Kick & “Glide Party” will be held at the “Rack Shack” on November 11th. Click on the image above for details. See you there! Our 8th annual Kick and Glide Party will be...
Apr 2, 2017 | News
The sun has set on our season. Today was the last day we can groom up at Blacktail, well, actually, Friday was, but our groomers just couldn’t stop. Thank all of you for your continued support and a special shout out to all of groomers, Lloyd, Gary, Steve R....
Apr 2, 2017 | News
On March 30th, one of our supporters inadvertently left his Rossignol BC70 skis & poles near the Blacktail trailhead! When he returned 2hrs later they were gone! If anyone has found these, please contact North Shore Nordic Club. Thank You.
Mar 13, 2017 | News
Dear Skiers: Our permit to groom Bigfork Community Nordic (BCNC) trails expires on March 15. The current warm weather precludes grooming. We will not be able to groom again before the 15th. So our season comes to an end. We thank our groomer, Don Moe, for his...
Jan 13, 2017 | News
Finally a few snowless days to catch up with our grooming responsibilities! Our trails should be in great shape this weekend!
Dec 13, 2016 | News
BCNC & BMNT are both open! Snow is a little thin in spots and classic track may not be set throughout, but conditions are reasonably good. Come out and ski the news trails at Bigfork Community Nordic Center. For those skiers using Blacktail Mountain Nordic...