Oct 19, 2022 | News
No! We no longer mail hard copies, but you can still receive it by scrolling down to the “Sign Up For Our Newsletter Window” and add your first name, last name and email address! It’s that easy. We will not share our data base and you can...
Apr 1, 2022 | News
Sadly, NSNC has reached the end of the season! The warm temps during the last week hammered much of the trail system and by agreement, we must open the Truman Saddle gates. Thank you all for making 2021-2022 a successful ski season! See you in December!
Mar 27, 2022 | News
Greetings North Shore Nordic Supporters, As we near the end of another successful Nordic ski season I want to share with you a bit of unfortunate news. Yesterday, we discovered that someone had, using a pry bar, broke into our donation box up at Blacktail Mountain...
Feb 14, 2022 | News
Once again, Rocky Mountain Outfitter has graciously donated a $250 gift card for a fundraising raffle to support North Shore Nordic Club. Tickets, $10/one or $25/three at the RMO store on Main St. in Kalispell. The winner will be drawn on St. Patrick’s Day...
Jan 4, 2022 | News
Happy New Year! Our ski season has gotten off to a early start with adequate snows and cold temperatures. Conditions at both our trail systems have been good to excellent. Sadly, due to a painful shoulder problem, Vince, our Bigfork Community Nordic Center Groomer,...